Engage and lead your community

Offer your community a unique user experience, with an ultra-personalized platform powered by artificial intelligence..
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Your turnkey platform

An instant, global and secure solution

Smarter and safer!

Benefit from a unique technological solution in the market.

Offer an ultra-personalized user experience powered by Artificial Intelligence and liberate yourself from external social networks, with volatile and costly algorithms.

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Used by teams from

Free Yourself from External Constraints

Say goodbye to external algorithms and unqualified databases. With Vimeet365, communicate in a personalized manner and encourage spontaneous incoming requests through a sense of belonging.

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Automate the Conversion of Your Prospects

Owning your own community, in white label through Vimeet365, offers detailed KPIs enabling the delivery of ultra-targeted arguments: your guarantee for a conversion rate superior to traditional techniques, all in compliance with GDPR!

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Choose the offer that suits you

1-Year License
Profile Creation
"Business Meetings" Module
10,000 video minutes/month
Meeting Ratings
"Content" Module
Get started
1-Year License
"Starter Pack" +
Configuration by our teams
"A.I." Activation
50,000 video minutes/month
Thematic Video Clubs
"Webinars" Module
"E-Learning" Module
Business Conventions
Job Dating
Member Activity Scores
Get started
1-Year License
"Launch Pack" +
Customer Success Manager
Reporting Dashboards (KPIs)
100,000 video minutes/month
Machine Learning
Gamification (virtual currency)
"Community Launch" Kit
"Content Creation" Kit
Community Co-optation
Get started
Benefit from a personalized solution and turnkey support

Develop a privileged relationship with your community

Create your community